Trend Micro Titanium Maximum Security is all-in-one, easy-to-use protection for everything you and your family do online-email, socialize, bank, browse, shop, and more. It provides you with a friendly interface, simple screens, and clear reports. In addition to blocking viruses and malware, Titanium Maximum Security features the new Facebook Privacy Scanner that helps you identify settings that may leave your personal information vulnerable. Also, it identifies safe and malicious links in search results as well as in popular social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. With customizable Parental Controls, Titanium helps keep your children safe from cybercriminals and inappropriate online content. Titanium makes security effortless for you by providing set-and-forget security that wonâ??t pester you with annoying alerts and pop-ups. Trend Micro Titanium is protection made easy. Blocks viruses, malware, and malicious links shared through email and IM. Identifies safe and malicious links in Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. Identifies settings that may leave your personal information vulnerable with the new Facebook Privacy Scanner feature. Protects your data from loss or theft with tools that include Secure Erase file shredder, and Trend Micro Vault with remote file lock. Features set-and-forget security that blocks unnecessary alerts and pop-ups.
1. Click the download button below and star downloading your file.
2. Extract the highly compressed archive using WinRAR or 7zip.
3. Read the instructions carefully to avoid errors while using this file.

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