In a few clicks, pump up your home video to awesome movies with muvee Reveal X. It's THAT easy and YOU can look like a Pro! Follow muvee's three simple steps to create videos through an intuitive interface that focuses on sharing and ease-of-use. Upload your photos and videos, select a Style, and choose music from a recommended track, iTunes or purchase from muvee Music. muvee automatically mashes them up to create a video synced to the beat of the music. Instant upload to Facebook, YouTube, iDevice, in a click, gives you the ability to create and share videos in moments. Intertiles, audio boost, 2 line captions and hand-picked royalty-free music and fonts compliment each style. Styles (with effects, transitions, and more built in) have been refreshed and transformed by adding text animation, video and graphics content. Uploading capabilities for YouTube, iPhone, iPad and Facebook now support 720P resolution saving and streaming. iTunes integration for auto-syncing to your favorite iOS devices. Tight integration with muvee Cloud - a private, secure online photo and video sharing site.
1. Click the download button below and star downloading your file.
2. Extract the highly compressed archive using WinRAR or 7zip.
3. Read the instructions carefully to avoid errors while using this file.

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